In the wake of terrorist attacks in France and elsewhere, the Obama administration announced Sunday it will host a Summit on Countering Violent Extremism next month.
The Feb. 18 event will "highlight domestic and international efforts to prevent violent extremists and their supporters from radicalizing, recruiting, or inspiring individuals or groups in the United States and abroad to commit acts of violence," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest.
Officials from the United States and other countries will participate.
Earnest said anti-extremist efforts are "even more imperative" in light of recent terrorist attacks in Ottawa and Sydney, as well as last week's mass shooting at a satirical magazine in Paris.
The White House announced the summit at the same time as a massive counter-terrorism rally in Paris that drew a number of world leaders, including Attorney General Eric Holder.
The administration said its strategy includes confronting the threat of extremism within individual neighborhoods, with the help of social services providers, educators, mental health professionals, religious leaders, and law enforcement agencies.
Citing pilot programs in Boston, Los Angeles and Minneapolis-St. Paul, Earnest said the summit to counter violent extremism "will highlight best practices and emerging efforts from these communities."
The summit will also feature officials from other nations discussing their projects, many of which focus on "the themes of community engagement, religious leader engagement, and the role of the private sector and tech community," Earnest said.
A list of participants and a specific agenda will be provided later, he said.
SOURCE :usatoday